Thursday, January 9, 2020

Definition Paper on Honor - 864 Words

Reed Kolany September 23rd, 2012 Ms. Richardson Period 1 Honor. There is a little bit of it in each of us. Some more than others do, but they earned it. Honor. Or it could be honour. It does not matter how it is spelled, it means the same universally. Honor. Great men and women earned it. They have gone beyond their normal duties to earn this. Honor. Local heroes have this too. They fall under the same category as great men and women. Honor. I think you get the point. I could keep going, but I need to get to the meat of the meaning. So here it goes†¦ â€Å"Hey! You in the back turn around! Yes, you, turn around! All right then, now that everyone is here, we can get started. I know that none of you want to be here, but I am†¦show more content†¦I have plenty of eyes ears everywhere that will keep me posted on your progress, so actually take this to heart, and one thing will lead to another. Then all of the sudden, your life will turn around. If this doesn’t turn out well, I’ll see you in a month and gi ve a whole nother meaning to the word lecture. Trust me, you don’t want round two. So hopefully I’ll never see you again. Now get out of here and embrace what you have left in your life.† All of the kids started to stagger out of the room all thinking about what they just listened to and how simple it would be to please this guy. But there is not enough room to describe each and every kid’s journey discovering themselves and what their life is stillShow MoreRelatedReflection on Stewardship in Business Practices Essays1634 Words   |  7 PagesGod’s Business: A Reflection on Stewardship as a Christian Stewardship is by definition an ethic that embodies responsible planning and management of resources. Christian stewardship couples the first definition with the firm foundations of the Christian beliefs. 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